Gardeners Road

7685 444 Gardeners Rd C002 Dusk V02Lr
7685 444 Gardeners Rd C002 Dusk V02Lr

The Gardeners Road proposal advances a dynamic mix of uses that include restaurants, cafés and retail opportunities, all of which will help to create a lively sense of activation along the street frontages. The mix of uses will serve new residents of the site and boost the range and quality of facilities available to the surrounding community.

One of the hallmarks of the design vision lies in the integration of the proposed building into the city’s urban grain at ground level with a new ‘urban realm’ accessible to the public. The aim has been to create a generosity of public open space off Birmingham Street, featuring urban art and landscape opportunities at the ground plane. The proposed building form over above is crafted sculpturally to act as an urban marker within the community.

Situated in Alexandria, Sydney, Gardeners Road is located in close proximity to Sydney's CBD and marks a key zone of transition at the developing edge of the city. The context for significant urban change is already well established in the broader precinct, with the redevelopment of a number of sites to make way for higher amenity residential, retail and commercial uses that support Council’s vision for the precinct’s regeneration.