10 Madden

10 Madden 21
10 Madden 21

10 Madden St. is a new commercial building which is in the second stage of the Wynyard Quarter Innovation Precinct masterplan. It comprises an active, food and beverage retail-focussed ground floor with six upper levels of commercial office space and a single level basement incorporating end of trip facilities for building occupants to cater to modern work environments. It continues the evolution of high quality, sustainable developments within the precinct.

The site is constrained by the northern frontage towards the public N.Cole Plaza with service laneways to the east and west and the pedestrianised Tīramarama way to the south.

Warren and Mahoney’s response was to maximise flexibility and efficiency to accommodate a wide variety of workplace configurations. The resulting floorplate is conceived as a side-core typology, with circulation and services compressed in its physical footprint and enabling an open, flexible space with high levels of visibility and light penetration.

The defining element of the project - the side-core - becomes a distinctive vertical marker signalling the entrance to Waikokota lane and is expressed as a singular sculptural element within the architectural language of the building and precinct. This element also presents a six-storey greenwall along the eastern façade and contributes towards a wider ‘green route’ network within the precinct.

The general driver for the design of the precinct is a material response to the marine industrial context and history. Finely detailed, perforated brick cladding at the entrance and a highly glazed facade on the upper levels separated by a recessed ‘terrace datum’ are consistent with the stage one development. The integration of mana whenua artist’s work into the fabric of the building continues this link.

An innovation on this project and a company-first for Warren and Mahoney was in the utilisation of a collaborative BIM platform. All modelling was done in a cloud-based, live environment, where consultants could update in real-time resulting in a streamlined workflow. The advantages of this were that the higher trust environment led to thorough and continuous communication with all consultants which in turn drove a better coordinated design.

The building has earnt a 6 Green Star Built rating.

Sustainable features:

  • Enhanced Commissioning and Environmental Management practices adopted
  • Energy efficient lighting and HVAC systems
  • Electrical sub-metering
  • On site power generation through solar PV
  • Electric vehicle parking spaces and charging
  • Improved indoor air quality
  • Good lighting levels to improve visual comfort
  • Carbon dioxide monitoring and control
  • Rainwater re-use
  • Water efficient fixtures and fittings
  • Water metering and monitoring
  • At least 70% of construction and demolition waste by weight to be recycled
  • Reduced car-parking spaces
  • End of trip cycling facilities
  • Excellent access to public transport
  • Recycling waste storage
  • Zero ODP insulants
  • Zero ODP refrigerants

  • 10 Madden
    10 Madden 1
    10 Madden 8
    10 Madden 17
    10 Madden 3